
bieber fans

hello loyal followers, i am sorry to say that there will be a short hiatus in posts as i will be going to vietnam tomorrow. from there, i will also visit cambodia and thailand.

i will close the first semester with my favorite video that i took of my super crazy/super fun class. It's only 13 seconds but it's just such a ridiculous 13 seconds. This is my 4th grade class singing (aka screaming) "Baby" by Justin Bieber. I had played it for them the week before, and they requested to hear it again. Afterwards, I turned the music off and took out my camera and said "okay, sing the song!" This video is what happened. The passion with which they sing this song puts Justin to shame. The boy in the yellow kills me- he gets so into it that his peer feels the need to restrain him. Also, notice at the end, two boys are so happy that they just jump up and down hugging each other. It was a magical moment.

After I left class, the boy in the yellow caught me on the stairwell to ask me about the song. I wrote down the name and the artist. I saw the boy again after school and he ran over to me to confirm that he had the right name. I think I have won his favor forever after introducing that song to him- I played soccer with his class today and the entire time he was running around screaming, "GEI LAO SHI" which basically means give the ball to teacher. LOL


  1. we feel the same. they get the meaning too- when i asked them what justin bieber meant by 'baby' they told me he meant 'dear'! so smart.

    -xia tong
