
A Week of School Lunch

The school lunches here are amazing! They are so much more nutritious than our lunch options at home- I rarely buy vegetables because I can always get a full serving of vegetables at lunch. Plus, they are free and are all you can eat so you can get seconds if you're still hungry! However, in one school the students bring me my lunch so I can't get seconds there. I don't like that school... In most schools there is a small cafeteria for the teachers but the kids don't have a cafeteria so the food staff brings these huge bins of food into the classroom. Most of my schools provide wooden chopsticks for you but in my school where I can't get seconds they ask that you to bring your own.

Above we have rice, fried fish (I don't like this- it's very bony and it has its head), tomato and cabbage salad, and green bean, potato and beef. For this meal, I liked the salad the best- they put it in some kind of sauce so it's served hot.
Above we have rice (obvi), broccoli with ham, cabbage with tofu and carrots, and the main dish had these small little eggs with beef. This dish was pretty good- my only complaint is that they often serve the meat on a bone and there is a lot of fat on there. Many of meat dishes I get here have much more fat on them than I'm used to.
Above we have rice, boiled eggs, pork with green beans, and noodles with little bits of beef.
Above we have rice, cabbage and tofu, beef with pumpkin, potato and green beans, and one of my favorite school dishes- egg with tomatoes in a stew. It is a little bit sweet and it always hits the spot for me. Many school lunches have pumpkin in it too. Pumpkins are so much better in a dish than potatoes, trust me! lol @ Jeremy. Also, these pictures are not totally representative of the variety of school lunches that I have because they are all from one school- some of my other schools have hot buns, spicy chicken, seaweed, seaweed and tofu soup, crispy bread, octopus, etc.