
Ancient Whip Game

Last week I was waiting for someone in the city center when all of a sudden I heard a whip being cracked behind me. I turned around and this guy was playing a game with a spinning dreidel-like thing and a whip. Whenever the dreidel thing would slow down, he would crack the whip right under it to keep it going. I was meeting up with a Chinese woman and she told me that it was some ancient game and that she didn't know how to play it. It seemed like a very aggressive game!


  1. supposedly the origin of this game was to prepare the children of factory owners to become effective foremen once they became of age by improving their precision with a whip--migrant workers who toiled in these factories sometimes needed some extra... motivation.

    I do not know if this was actually the case.

  2. i still don't know who this is, but you're terrible!! lol

  3. I know the identity of peg leg.
