
Squat Toilets

The infamous squat toilets. Lovely huh? This one is at my school. They always smell bad and sometimes there is extraneous material on the floor. My friend Bell and I vowed in the beginning that we would never use them but I realize now that this would have been a difficult promise to keep because there are few western toilets throughout the city -the Japanese restaurants and the foreign bars are the only places that I've seen that have them. Once you pop a squat you just can't stop! lol. I never thought I'd say it but I'm used to them.


  1. There were alot of squat toilets in Europe when I traveled there after college. I learned quickly that you needed to back away before flushing :0

  2. haha yes that is definitely a crucial step in the process. i didn't know that europe had them too...i never saw any while i was there.

  3. How did the natives feel about you taking a picture of your handiwork?

  4. haha oh goodness i see what you're saying. i didn't notice that before. the water in the toilets here never really looks untainted...
