
chicken feet

the chinese love their chicken feet. i have been told by several people that i needed to try it, so finally my chinese teacher brought me a chicken foot to try. it was a pickled one, which is supposed to be pretty tasty.

i tried to eat a little bit of it but it was really hard for many reasons- of the little meat that there was, it was stringy, tough and hard to get at. the palm looked like it had the most meat on it but how are you supposed to eat a concave surface? if you'll notice, i took a little bite out of the tip of the thumb, hehe. i also ate some of the wrist.

after that i took a look at the little hand with finger nails and couldn't fathom eating it. it just looked too close to its natural form, and eerily, it even looked a bit human. i wasted that poor chicken's lil foot :(

i still contend though that the chinese have some of the worst snack ever. especially at the rest stops they have on the highways, your choices are like chicken feet and other pickled things, nasty little eggs, nasty little 'meat' sausages, chinese bread (which for some reason is ALWAYS sweet), nuts and yogurt. i've had them all, but i usually go for the last 2. they have a few western items, but there is always a strange twist to it. the oreos here come in like 50 different flavors (i accidentally got vanilla milkshake one time and it was gross) and the chips also come in strange flavors like tomato, meat bbq, prawn, crab and cheese, etc. the meat bbq ones aren't so bad ythough :)


  1. Victoria, that chicken foot in the second pic bears an eery resemblance to your outstretched hand - including the long fingers and disproportionately small thumb.

  2. good point. actually, i think this could have been a picture taken right after i got my cast off because my hand was really shriveled and little.

  3. I would like to reiterate my disgust, and extend it to Zach as well.

  4. Ha! That's a good one (@victoria, not j-dub)

  5. we all have our preferences jeremy...anyhow everyone needs a little chicken hand to stroke their head every now and then

  6. I would like to officially register my disgust yet again.

  7. I would like to "ditto" J-Dub's officially registered disgust. I can't even look at that picture anymore...

    But I admire your willingness to experience it all.

    Lynn T., Famously Squeamish Vegetarian

  8. hahah, i can't imagine eating a chicken foot at home. i heard a funny story actually- a chinese girl went to america and saw that they had 'chicken fingers' at a restaurant, so she got really excited because she missed chicken feet. when she received some breaded nuggets, she was quite disappointed!
