
When you sound out LEOPARD in the Chinese accent you get...

LEPORDA! That's great...! Good try :)

Look at this teamwork!


  1. Is this where they ratted out frank?

  2. haha no but that's what it looked like. Some more kids helped me get this other boy in trouble today- I was so mad at him- he punched this other little boy in his crotch and the boy was sobbing. What made it worse was that the boy who got punched is usually obnoxious but today he was really good so I was in the process of awarding him the Student of the Day when I noticed that he was crying. He told me like 50 times that the boy had punched him and he kept pointing at his crotch and the culprit. I made the other boy stand in the front of the classroom and told the class that this is what will happen if anyone else punches someone and then I pointed at the boy. I hope he felt bad. When the bell rang I told the boy to sit down and then when the teacher came back in a little girl helped tell on him for me. Then the teacher immediately made the boy go stand back in the exact same spot where I had him, HAHA! I heard him sigh as he went up there. Whatever, serves him right!

  3. Using the threat of communal shame and dishonor... how Chinese of you.

  4. lol yeah i'm not sure if i will be able to be a teacher in the states now after this training i'm getting here. i'd probably get fired or something...haha. another story about frank from today...that crazy kid. for some reason his teacher made him sit next to her today (she started staying in the class w/ me because they're so bad) and face away from me. during class she hit him twice with her book on his back and then towards the end of class she threw his notebook across the room and made him go pick it up. this stuff is really terrible but i was about to die laughing- some of these teachers really treat the bad kids like sh*t.

  5. That's amazing. I am going to insist Margaret become a Chinese teacher for a year just to let out all of her inner rage.

  6. haha oh god she's probably boiling with rage from her crazy kids too. perhaps she would be more of a "chinese teacher" than the chinese teachers themselves. i have to admit that i think there is a balance that needs to be found between our discipline methods and the chinese discipline methods- some kids really do need to be put in place by their place by their teachers, not just the administration.
