the kids in this picture are my BUDDIES. i love them. especially the girl who i'm hugging (christina)- she can be a little bit off the wall sometimes but at the end of the day she's a good kid. she also gave me a whole bouquet of flowers on teachers day, which doesn't hurt her cause :)
these kids are always joking around with me and after class it's pretty hard for me to escape because they always want to keep telling me something or other. some new developments that i learned last class- the boy all the way off to the right in the group picture is in love with christina and the boy who's dressed up in the halloween costume is in love with the other girl on the right, lucy. however, christina told me that she is in love with a fat boy. i have no idea. she told me it was a LOVE TRIANGLE HAHAH. lucy showed me the love note from the costume boy, and he had even written 'i love you' in english on it!! so great.
last class 2 of the boys told me that they had to use the WC (bathroom for those who are not up with that lingo) and when they returned one of them was wearing that costume. he ran into the room and tried to scare me. for some reason i wasn't scared at all but i screamed really loudly anyhow. this was my only class where one of the students dressed up for halloween, and this was my friday class so it was the farthest away from it! therefore, they rock. i hope these kids remain good friends throughout school and all get married one day like in the harry potter books. LOL
and here's the little star de-masked! he's such a cutie.
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