today my student oliver (the only boy in the picture who is not blurry) gave me a birthday card. there must have been some kind of miscommunication. last week i saw ran into him in the hallway and he very asked me when my birthday was in a very urgent manner. turns out that our birthdays are both in february, so i told him that we could have a birthday party together, haha. he said that he would give me a birthday present on the last day of class. i was like alright! today when i came into class he gave me this birthday card so i was a little confused. the other students asked him what it was and he was like, "IT'S TEACHER'S BIRTHDAY CARD." then another little boy was telling me that today was the last class so i was REALLY confused. i thought maybe that's why oliver had given me the card today and i was so sad!! however, after trying to talk to their teacher for a minute, it seems that the boy had misinformed me, and it was just a coincidence that oliver had given me the card already.
so the card is great. not only is it 3 months early but it also says happy birthday miss MURCH on it. lol. he gets an A for effort.
his class is literally insane. they are one of my smallest classes, but it feels like there's about 100 kids in there. i don't even bother getting angry at them because it's not going to do anything. i just make them recite their english book for a few minutes and then ask them if they're ready to be quiet. they LOVE me though. i think out of all of my classes i have some of my biggest fans in this class. tons of cute little notes and little gifts. i think they're like the neglected class, no one wants them but me! my private student amy is also in this class, which is probably why she can't speak english- as a whole their english level is the lowest of the low. i like the kids individually, but together they single handedly win my worst class ever.
i really have a soft spot for them though. 2 weeks ago i had a bad cold and i told all my classes that i was sick to try to get them to be on their best behavior. this class was my only class that genuinely made a concerted effort to be good. after i told them, i could hear them telling each other in chinese, "teacher is sick, teacher is sick!" as my friend said, they gave me a 'free pass'. they were AWESOME that day- fun, on the ball, and focused. they were total crap again the following week but oh well. we did letter writing in class (i'm answering all of them!) and oliver's letter was like "teacher, you said you were sick last week, are you okay now??" aww hahah.
my only saving grace from this class is this boy. you may remember him from my cabbage post. he is so calm, cool and collected, i'm not really sure how he puts up with his classmates. he sits in the front so he can see my exasperation up close. he'll be like, "teacher, they're being loud again". i'm like, "i know, why are they doing this?" him- "i don't know, they're crazy. tell them to be quiet." me- "yeah okay you're right, HEY KIDS SHUT UP!!!"
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