last week was halloween so i started class by asking my students 'what scares you?' i figured that some of them would not know the names of things that scared them in english so i allowed them to draw a picture on the board. most kids were coming up with little halloween things like jack-o-lanterns, zombies, monsters, but then this boy said death scared him. i was like alright kid, come draw it! he drew a really cool grim reaper on the board. i think maybe his mental age is very high.
he goes to a school that i really, really dislike. some of the kids at this school are the naughtiest kids i've worked with in china. i think they feel like they're a little special or something...anyhow last class when i was teaching them i felt kind of tired during the lesson and misspelled the word 'terrible' on the board, i spelled it 'terible'. although truthfully this is a recurring problem, there are several words in english that i can never remember if they have one or 2 r's. in fact, i was not sure about 'recurring'. hoorah for spell check! so after i wrote the word 'terible', i was really unsure of myself but figured no one would notice. this boy happened to be up at the front of the room at that time (we were playing a game, and it can be really hard to get the kids to stay in their seats during games) and i saw him looking at the word strangely and i was like dammit i spelled it wrong. he called me out, and i changed it!
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