one of my wonderful class monitors. this boy, like most of the class monitors, takes his job pretty seriously. in the beginning of every class, he would stand up at the podium to get everyone quiet before i started. The kids have numbers, so he would say, "43 is good. (pause). 28 is good. (pause). 5 is good (pause)." The kids would sit up really straight with their hands behind their backs so he would call their number. Sometimes he would admonish a student by name for his posture or something, but he would always do it in a funny way so the other kids would giggle.
he also was given the responsibility of deciding which team did the best that day (a lot of the classes are divided into 4 teams) and which team did the worst. that's a lot of trust in an 8 year old boy!
i have a few second graders who have ridiculously good english and he is one of them! his english is better than the majority of my 4th graders' english. that's why i pretty much did the same activities for 2nd, 3rd, and 4th grade- their english levels are all over the place.
A fledgling authoritarian.