So today I was waiting at the bus stop, daydreaming of course, when all of a sudden I snapped out of it, looked up, and saw about 4 people staring at me from the back of a parked bus with big smiles on their faces. I was like are you guys for real. I looked back down in hopes that they would leave me alone. I looked back up a few seconds later and they were still at it so I decided you know what, if they're going to stare at me I'm going to have some fun too and take a picture of these clowns. So I got my camera out and snapped this picture as quick as I could. I don't know if you can see the faces that well but they're laughing really hard in the picture, I love it!
We both laughed together and I thought this would be the end of it but the next time I looked up I saw that they had opened a side window and were trying to talk to me. The girl kept shouting, "Good morning English teacher!" I think that must have been all she could remember from school. Well, I'm proud to say that I knew more Chinese than they knew English so our broken conversation was in Chinese. She forced her phone upon me so I could give her my number. I thought oh no am I going to have another person texting me non-stop in Chinese...but she hasn't texted me yet so maybe it's okay. Chinese people can be so friendly though!
I think my camera can be a good strategy for warding off unwanted stares...or possibly creating more commotion than I originally intended...I guess we'll see.
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