
fender bender

yesterday i got into a fender bender involving a 16 year old girl. i am ashamed.

i'm hoping for a no-fault verdict from the insurance companies--we were backing out of driveways that are precariously placed right across from each other in a small cul-de-sac (zach's house!). clearly, neither of us were looking, and we didn't stand a chance.

her car definitely got it worse than mine, and it was a new 2012 camry, although the car had already been in another accident because there was a huge scrape on the side :(  my bumper just had some of her paint on it. long live the almighty 2003 focus!!

after it happened the girl ran up to me and started yelling a little. it was such a minor fender bender and so stupid i couldn't bother getting worked up and pointing fingers. i said to her calmly-- look, i think this was both of our faults. luckily the girl's boyfriend agreed, which seemed to calm her down. i do remember being 16 though and getting into a more serious fender bender and it's pretty scary--mainly because you think your parents are going to flip out. so i kind of felt bad, i should know better to look in my mirror more closely.

after the incident her mom and sisters ran outside and started yelling in korean, so i was a little worried how that was going to play out. language barriers in these kinds of situations always make everything 50x worse. they all acted really weird about the whole thing though, like they didn't even come over to my car to inspect the damage they had done (we moved our cars back into our respective driveways following the collision), or take any pictures. every time something needed to be exchanged or communicated i had to walk over to them. maybe they were all afraid, i don't know.

that night, i ate korean food with zach and my parents. coincidence? yes. i didn't think about it until just now when i was writing this!

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